Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

SAMSHA’s behavioral health treatment locator allows you to search by zip code for mental health and/or substance abuse counselors & services in your area. If you want additional assistance in navigating these services, SAMHSA also provides a 24/7 hotline [1-800-662-HELP (4357)] for navigating substance abuse and mental health services.


Offers videos and free phone calls to help with the search for premarital counseling, individual therapy, medication management, couples counseling, life coaching, and family therapy.

Psychology Today

The “Find a Therapist” tool can help you locate counselors in your area. You can filter by LGBTQ affirmative approaches, insurance, telehealth, prescribing capabilities, and therapeutic approaches.

Open Path Psychotherapy Collective

Nonprofit that serves clients who lack health insurance or whose health insurance doesn’t provide adequate mental health benefits.

Telemedicine/Remote Counseling Options

Local mental health professionals and practices may now be offering remote and videoconference options. If you live outside of a major urban area, therapists who are licensed in your state may be able to provide resources to you remotely. Additionally, there are companies who specialize in teletherapy, but these providers may not be covered by insurance or may not be licensed within your state. It can be important to ask your provider at intake/first session, if they take your insurance, are licensed to provide care where you are currently residing:

VA Mental Healthcare

Find out how to access VA mental health services for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psychological effects of military sexual trauma (MST), depression, grief, anxiety, and other needs. You can use some services even if you’re not enrolled in VA health care.